After getting back from Sweden, Tyler had slept until just before Fight Club. The results had him feeling a bit like a vampire who never saw daylight. But a very well-rested vampire
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"Welcome back," Ghanima began, looking over the assorted company. "I'm pleased to see we didn't scare too many of you off by forcing introductions
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"Ladies! Gentlemen. Boys. Girls. Other sentient life forms." Someone had given Tyler sugar. "Welcome to Fight Club. I'm Tyler Durden, this is Ghanima Atreides. We're in charge
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After a week spent exploring the cities near the island, Seregil was back and opening the Book Haven as usual. He settled in behind the counter and worked on a letter to Nysander, describing his adventures.
And how, really, that one incident with the constabulary wasn't his fault at all.
Seregil opened the shop and settled down behind the counter with a mug of hot chocolate and a travel book about warm destinations. He may still be focused on the cold when they had lost power last week. Cold like that was just wrong.
Seregil unlocked the door of the Book Haven and set up things before settling down with parchment and quill and a bottle of ink to write a letter to Nysander. Sure, he could've used the more convenient versions that existed on the island, but sometimes one just wanted to go with what one was most familiar with.
Seregil opened up the shop and settled down behind the counter with a tome of Shakespeare. Watching the play that weekend had renewed his interest in reading the man's work.
Seregil opened up the shop and settled down behind the counter with a book he'd found on some of this world's past royalty. He figured it couldn't hurt to get some background on the subject matter before going to his first class this afternoon.
Seregil settled in behind the counter of the Book Haven with his sketch book and worked on some sketches of various people and places of Fandom. It had almost been a year since he arrived and he was feeling nostalgic.